At the development of our nozzle systems, the optimal rheological as well as the robust and practical design is the priority above all.

Based on many years of experience in injection molding production, we know what is important for the users and this is reflected in our sophisticated and tried-and-tested products.

Through our close customer contact and constant exchange with industry specialists and institutions, we recognize the market requirements early and adapt that at the development of our products.
Especially with our filternozzles, OFS was geeting a technical leadership in the field of melt-filtration.


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

Imprint | Data protection

TÜV geprüft! Innovativ durch ForschungBSFZ Siegel RGB 2x