OFS-standard nozzles

Kunststoffdichte Maschinendüsenplastic-leakproof OFS-nozzle in standard and special design

plastic-leakproof OFS-nozzle

You have molds with less space on the nozzle side? Small dia with a high immersion depth? The plastic-leakproof OFS-nozzle shows a small installation size by an optimal heating.

Wärmeleitdüsenhigh heat conductivity and
mechanical stability

OFS-thermal conductive nozzle

The nozzle with a high heat conductivity and mechanical stability. Optimal temperature control without heater.

nozzletipsOFS-nozzletips in standard and special design

standard and special design nozzletips

Our nozzletips can also be supplied with an internal connection thread, plug cap, heating tape, thermocouple and more.

OFS-adapters in standard and special design 
OFS-adapters in
standard and special design

Adapters according to customer specifications or common manufacturers

We are happy to support you with the topic of nozzle tip standardization. The solution is an OFS adapter system


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

Imprint | Data protection

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