
In the injection molding process, the nozzle-tip forms the connecting element between the injection unit and the injection mold.

Although it is a separate component, it must be dimensionally and functionally matched to the two units.

Unfortunately, this is often underestimated or ignored in practice, which inevitably leads to process problems, damage to the plastic melt or other faults. The OFS machine nozzle offers optimum processing conditions for every injection molding application thanks to the use of a wide range of materials and the correct dimensional and rheological design.

Standardlösungen - DüsenspitzenOFS-standard nozzletip

Merkmale der Standard-Düsenspitzen

  • Standard-Ausführungen i.d.R. ab Lager
  • sehr hohe Qualitätsanforderung
  • festgelegte Gewindegößen
  • mit den dazugehörigen Übergangsdurchmessern
  • festgelegte Gesamtlängen


Nozzle tips / machine nozzles

  • is manufactured according to customer drawing
    or customer samples
  • variable in the choice of material


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

Imprint | Data protection

TÜV geprüft! Innovativ durch ForschungBSFZ Siegel RGB 2x