In unserem Technikum, mit 1 Arburg-Spritzgießmaschine, werden neu entwickelte Düsen und Produkte ausgiebig getestet, bevor diese auf den Markt kommen. Before market launch, all new nozzlesystems are tested extensively in our own technical center.

For this purpose we have an injection molding machine and several experimental tools, with whom we can simulate a variety of injection molding applications with the most plastic materials.

This enables us to have a consistent, comparable and, above all, rapid product development. We can implement the customers problems and the current technical challenges to represent the today’s production realities.

Only after a successful test series a new developed nozzlesystem gets the clearance for the sales and distribution. We hereby guarantee our customers always sophisticated and well tested nozzlesystems.


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

Imprint | Data protection

TÜV geprüft! Innovativ durch ForschungBSFZ Siegel RGB 2x