plastification units

The optimal design of the plastification unit is the guarantee for the production of high quality products.

Beside the thermal stress, the plastification components also has to counteract mechanical stress. Also the appearance of corrosion and abrasive through fillings and additives have to be consider.

That is the reason, why the relevant parts need to have the right design. Only with the correct dimension, geometry and the suitable material it is able to get the required injection moulding parameters, the needed lifetime of the unit and the required quality of the plastic parts.

As an option, it is possible to coat the parts according to the requirements. Through the coatings you get additional benefits, f.e. higher wear resistance, higher resistance against corrosion, less cold shut, … .

Because of our long term experiences in the injection moulding sector and the closed contact to industry, research and development leaders, we are able to deliver high quality plastification components for every needs and applications. The plastification components are deliverable for any common machine type or by a sample / drawing.

Product inquirypdfTechnical data sheet

Further information


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

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