Die kunststoffdichten Maschinendüsen von ofs für schlanke und tiefe Anforderungen mit optimaler Beheizung.OFS-standard-design

high quality steel vacuum hardened, incl. coil heater and integrated thermocouple sealing- and contact surfaces polished, flow canal polished

The plastic-leakproof OFS-machine nozzle is especially designed for applications in deep and thin mold dimensions. Because of the high end heaters, the nozzles ensure an optimum temperature and allow especially the processing of technical and high temperature plastic materials.

Because of the protective pipe on the nozzle base, the heater is insulated absolutely plastic leakproof and so there is no production breakdowns caused through damaged heaters. The results are less costs for maintenance, less production breakdowns, longer machine runtimes, … . Another application is the saving of raw materials. Because of the thin, long design and the optimum heating, the nozzles allow a deeper sprue bush and so it is possible to reduce the raw material for the sprue (comparable with a hot runner nozzle). The plastic-leakproof OFS-machine nozzle is available in 4 standard designs. Of course, other dimensions and special designs can be also supplied.

Use the tabs below to select the right solution for you.

Do you have any questions? Then we will of course be happy to help you. Give us a call or arrange an appointment with your personal contact at your premises.

Are you looking for a special solution? Product inquiry pdfTechnical data sheet

Further information on the plastic-leakproof OFS-nozzle

Versions of the plastic-leakproof OFS-nozzle


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

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