Die Mischdüse Typ XMD sorgt mit ihren vier Elementen für ein optimales Mischergebnis und erzeugt die gewünschte Homogenität der Masse.OFS-mixing nozzle type XMD

material-friendly homogenization by exponential layering

high quality plastic parts require a thermally homogenous melt.

For high quality plastic parts, it is necessary to have a thermal homogeneous melt. The regular homogeneity of additives like flame retardant and UV-stabilizer are also a guarantor for high quality plastic parts as colour and thermal mixing. The high blend power of the OFS-mixing-nozzle ensures saving of colour-batches and other additives.

static mixer type XM

The static mixer type XM usually consists of 8 elements with specially arranged bars in order to create an optimal homogenization of the melt. Each element is arranged by the pin-groove connection in such a way that a complete mixing system is automatically created by assembling several elements. By dividing and combining the melt flow multiple times, the introduced materials (batch, additives, ...) are mixed in such a way that the melt is optimally homogeneous in terms of concentration, temperature, ... is achieved. The size and maybe changing number of mixing elements depends on the application, considering the material to be processed, the melt index, the volume flow and the current pressure conditions.

Product inquiry pdfTechnical data sheet

Further information on the OFS-mixing nozzle type XMD


Industriegebiet III
Im Krötenteich 3a
D-74722 Buchen/Odw.

phone: +49 6281 404-393
fax: +49 6281 404-391

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