OFS-thermal conductive nozzle

Optimal temperature control without heater

A thermal homogenous melt is the premise for a solid process and quality plastic parts.

You can ensure that with the correct nozzle with the suitable heater. At some applications it could be difficult or impossible to provide that. Maybe because of less space in the mould or overmolding and damaging the heater. Therefore, the OFS-thermal conductive nozzle could be the suitable solution.

The OFS-thermal conductive nozzles ensure an optimal temperature control without any heater. The thermal homogenous is ensured by a high thermal conductive material – the Ampcoloy (CuBe alloy). That material allows an extended length of the nozzle without an additional heater. Beside the heat conductivity, that material shows a high mechanical strength. At corrosive and abrasive plastic materials, the nozzles are faced with a hardened steel core in the flow canal and at the contact surfaces.

Another interesting application of that type of nozzle is the thermal shut-off function. Due a conical outlet and the thermal conductivity of the Ampcoloy, it is possible to prevent melt delivery or stringing after holding pressure.

Product inquiry pdfTechnical data sheet

Further information on the thermal conductive nozzle


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